05 December, 2006


Anyone who has ever tried to live in the US will know how bloody hard it is to get credit in this country. Julian has already been refused, and the whole system is so logic-defying that some people have taken 3 years to get it. Everything you've ever bought, tried to buy or done is all contained on a big devil computer somewhere in Washington, and it paints ugly pictures of you. But you know what's worse than an ugly credit record? No credit record! Now that's enough to scare the bejesus out of everyone...

Thus it is wiuth great pleasure that I can announce that after 5 weeks in the country, I have successfully scored a credit card with a whopping $1,000 limit! And it's all thanks to my fuzzy-haired Brazilian friend at Chase Manahttan - big props go to Diego Rogers for pulling strings or weaving whatever magic was necessary to get the job done. You rock!

I feel almost human again...