Huh? (weird and wonderful)
They do such a good job copying the branding, tailoring details and packaging - you'd think they'd extend their eye for detail to the tagline. I mean, I don't even know what they were trying to say here!
I'm already disturbed by the abundance of grass you can't walk on. That's right guys, it's holding the desert back...
I think I may add to this collection over time. But first up, how inventive can a garbage can be?
C'mon guys, join up. You get funky outfits and get to live in a big city (if 6 million people just isn't enough).
How cool is this? Spot the hummingbird - I didn't know they made them this small!
Anyone know what this is supposed to be for? It's not a chair... not a potplant holder... and it's conventiently positioned outside a tollbooth.