30 September, 2006

Demolition man

I had to stop my bike by the side of the road to watch some demolition in progress today. A big Tonka truck with a pneumatic drill arm had a disturbingly human way of chipping into a supporting wall. I watched and watched the roof bend - a huge solid slab of cement - it never cracked just came quietly to its knees. An overseer, investor, or real estate agent (I couldn't tell which) started talking at me in a very animated voice, smiling all the while... I think he was telling me to piss off and stop gawking at his new apartment building. From the team of workers he employed, only 2 were actually working on demolition. One was collecting bricks (they save them here); one was chipping mortar from the old bricks; one was collecting steel reinforcing bars (for smelting back into the next building?); another picking through the debris for signs of life and generally cool stuff. It certainly didn't look as though the residents got their things out of there in time.